Friday 15 June 2018


- Happy Father's Day!!! Sunday June 17th
- Graduation Monday June 18th
- BBQ Tuesday June 19th
- Reports go home Tuesday June 26th

Image result for fathers day

- Reading - Book reviews start next Wednesday - must include: summary, 2 things you liked, 2 things you didn't like (ex, plot related, style of writing, stylistic device) - you MUST be able to support your reason for liking or disliking
- Continue song presentations next week

- gr8 - inequality projects are due today - Please submit them

Thursday 14 June 2018


- June 18th Graduation - please arrive before 6pm -
-June 19th BBQ
- June 26th Reports go home

Image result for effects of kindness

- Reading - Book reviews next week
- Quebec week songs - we will start presenting tomorrow

- gr8 - Inegalites dans le monde - due tomorrow - Friday June 15th
- gr7- Electrocity worksheet due tomorrow - Friday June 15th

Monday 11 June 2018


- June 12th - Jump rope for heart
- Grad procession rehearsals will take place this week - please remember who you are walking before and after
- Graduation - Richmond Hill Country Club - Monday June 18th
Doors open at 5:30pm - Ceremony begins at 6:00pm
- June 19th BBQ
- June 26th Report cards go home

Image result for countdown to graduation

- Reading - Book review
- Song presentations - Friday June 15th 

GR8 - inegalites dans le monde - due Thrusday June 14th
GR7 - les mineraux combustibles et non-combustibles
        - electrocity worksheet due Thursday June 14th

Thursday 7 June 2018


- Monday June 18th - A sheet pertaining to graduation was handed out today -
- Tuesday June 19th Regional Track and Field  and BBQ - 
- Tuesday June 26th Report Cards go home

Image result for funny cartoons

- Quebec song  (may be done in groups) due / Presentations - Thursday June  14th
- Reading - Book Reviews

- gr8 - Inegalites dans le monde - now DUE Wednesday June 13th
-gr7 - finish electrocity game - hand in worksheet by Tuesday June 12th

Tuesday 5 June 2018


- June 6th - Area Track and Field
- June 12th - Jump rope for heart
- June 18th - Graduation - RHCC (payment and info to follow in School cash online soon)
- June 19th - School BBQ (Region Track and Field)
- June 26th Report cards go home
- June 28th LAST DAY OF SCHOOL (half day)

Image result for track and field clipart

- Reading
- Book Review
- Song (rewrite)

- gr8 - Inegalites dans le monde
- gr7 - les mineraux combustibles

Friday 1 June 2018


- Monday June 4th PA DAY - NO SCHOOL
- Wednesday June 6th AREA TRACK AND FIELD
- Tuesday June 12th - JUMP ROPE FOR HEART
-  Monday June 18th GRADUATION - RHCC
- Tuesday June 19th school BBQ
- Tuesday June 26th Report Cards sent home

Image result for how to beat the heat

- Reading - prep for book review
- Song - Everyone is to choose a song, and pick a verse (including the chorus) and change the words to summarize your week in Quebec - You may sing it yourself, read it, or have a friend sing for you
- Any gr8 who were not on the trip will complete the same assignment summarizing their week at school INCLUDING GR 7

- gr8 - Inegalites dans le monde - solo or with a partner - due by June 15th
- gr7 - Natural resources - Energy and Financial Literacy

Friday 18 May 2018


- Grad trip to Quebec Tuesday May 22- Friday May 25th - Please arrive at school by 6:30-6:45AM
- If you are planning on bring and (nut-free) snacks - don't forget that most or all stores are closed
on Monday
- Intermediate Track and Field - Monday May 28th
- Graduation - Monday June  18th @ Richmond Hill Country Club

Image result for long weekend

- Reading - book reviews starting early june - explanation/ handout to follow soon (7 and 8)
- Upcoming gr8 assignment (post grad trip) you will pick a song of your choice and rewrite
the words to summarize your week in Quebec and present it to the class (if you did not attend
the trip you will still write a song about what you did that week)

- gr8- New assignment is posted in google classroom - we will begin after the trip - tentative
date: Friday June 8th
- gr7 - New assignment will be posted in google classroom - you will be able to work on it next week during my absence - some of you will be helping with junior track and field Tuesday

Wednesday 16 May 2018


- Today (May 16th is the last day to purchase Grad hoodies on school cash online
- Friday May 8th gr7-8 Field Trip to Langstaff SS to watch student plays
-Monday May 21st - Victoria Day - NO SCHOOL
- Quebec Trip - May 22-25
- Graduation - Monday June 18th
- Intermediate Track and Field - Monday May 28th

Image result for track and field cartoon

- Reading (8Miz still need to pick books this week)
- Upcoming Book Review
- Some groups still need to finish editing their parodies - This is PAST DUE

- Venn Diagrams are due this week for gr7 (agriculture) and gr8 economy
- New assignment is posted on google classroom for gr8 - we will most likely begin after Quebec
- New assignment for gr7 on natural resources will be explained this week - time will be  given next week to work on the project

Monday 14 May 2018


- The grad trip is fast approaching (May 22-25)
- Grad hoodies available for purchase on school cash online ONLY until MAY 16th
- Graduation - Monday June 18th @ Richmond Hill Country Club
- Intermediate Track and field - Monday May 28th

Image result for laziness quotes

- Yellow lit circle booklets are due this week
- We will be watching our parodies this week
- We will be starting new novels (of your choice) leading up to book reviews (different from booktalk)
- We will be also exploring the notion of social justice through drama

- gr8 - We are comparing different types of economies - Then we will be doing a comparison research project - Comparing Canada to developing/under developed nations
- gr7 - We are comparing  the different types of agriculture - Next we will be exploring the various natural resources

Friday 11 May 2018


- Grad trip May 22-25
- Grad hoodies on school cash online until May 16th ONLY
- Graduation - Monday June 18th
- Happy Mother's Day - do something memorable for someone special

Image result for happy mothers day 2018

- lit circle booklet due Monday May 14th
- Write up - stress - due Monday May 14th (some people have already handed it in which is great - if you feel like you don't have any stress in your life, write about the ways in which you have been successful at avoiding stress)
- on Monday we will share (in French) what everyone did for their Mothers - For all that she does for you - what can/did you do to show her your appreciation?

- All gr8 should have submitted their economy project- if you have not yet shared/submitted it - please do so before Monday
- venn diagram/ chart comparing 3 types of economies due Monday (gr8)
- new assignment for next week - gr8 - Inequalities in the world
gr7 - we will be exploring 3 different types of agriculture as well as how various climates are connected