Friday 28 April 2017


Well done to everyone who participated in our house challenge this afternoon!
We will announce the results and update the leader board next week!
Have a Great weekend!!!

- Lecture

- Review/Study for Chapter 7 Test - go over the vocabulary (posted on google classroom)
- As well, Thanks to a clever student, I posted the answers to the chapter 7 review that we
didn't have time to take up in 8M (my apologies)
- TEST Monday
- We will be starting chapter 8 on Tuesday or Wednesday


Image result for made in china meme

Next week we will begin a new project and follow how, where certain products are made and the journey they take to get to their destination

Thursday 27 April 2017


- Reflect on our discussion of exotic meats and alternate sources other than cows/beef

Image result for lait de chameau

Image result for viande de kangourou

- Review your notes from 7.1 and 7.2
- TEST Monday May 1st

- We will be starting a new section tomorrow on the different economies of the world

Wednesday 26 April 2017


- Please fill in your grad quote on google forms ASAP
- Tomorrow we will be filling in the school climate survey
-  We are also in the works on having a grad hoodie (sweatshirt) made and available for
purchase (approximately $26) and is totally optional
- House Challenge Friday

- If you did not complete the work from yesterday - comment on peut utiliser moins d'eau?
and summary of the article "Mer de Chine Mondiale" is is to be completed by the end of the week
- We took up a grammar quiz today that was done in class on Monday - How did you do?
Where do your strengths lie? which concepts should we review in class?

- If you have not yet completed the chapter review p. 204-205 you need to do so!
You can find the questions on google classroom - We will take up the questions together tomorrow
- CHAPTER 7 TEST (7.1-7.2) MONDAY MAY 1st

Image result for la dilatation thermique

Qu'est-ce qui se passe ici?

Tuesday 25 April 2017


- If you have not already done so- please click on the link I sent in google classroom for your
- There will be a house challenge  this Friday morning

- Fais moi un  petit résumé de l'article que vous avez lu en classe hier - Mer de Chine Mondiale (5-10 phrases.

Image result for ways to save water

Comment peut-on gaspille moins d'eau?

Friday 21 April 2017


- Quebec reflection song presentations will start on Tuesday April 25th
- There will be a shortish French quiz on Monday (Grammar)

- Monday we will continue with the chapter 7 review - please let me know if you have any questions next week

Image result for motivational french quotes with english translation
Have a great weekend!

Thursday 20 April 2017


- Tomorrow afternoon we will be having a presentation put on by MADD (Mothers against drunk drivers)
- tomorrow afternoon we will also be attending/visiting the ECO fair taking place in the gym
- Please let me know if any parents are interested in helping organize/decorate the venue for the graduation this year.
- We are also in talks to have a Grad shirt/sweatshirt of some sort to be made available for purchase. There will be more information to follow

Il y a beaucoup de personnes qui oublie constamment
There are many students who keep forgetting
Image result for je vais parler francais en classe detention

- We will be finishing off (hopefully) the geography presentations tomorrow (if possible)
-  I will be away at a workshop on Monday, so unfortunately the song presentations will have to wait until next Tuesday to be presented
- Science review and french work will also continue and pick up next week!
I know you have your Giver essay coming up, however prepare yourselves to start writing more in French with a great big

Image result for with a smile

Wednesday 19 April 2017


- As the end of year is fast approaching, and an endless number of things to accomplish in what seems like a short period of time, there are always so many things to do. One of those items on the list is the graduation taking place near the end of the year. I would like to know if there are any parents interested and willing to help form a committee to ensure this event runs as smoothly as possible. Please send me an email if you think you are interested - Thanks!
- This Friday April 21st is also our SCHOOL ECO FAIR

- I would like to finish the geography presentations this week, therefore we will begin the French song presentations on MONDAY

- We will be continuing our Quality of Life project presentations this week. I would like to complete all the presentations by the end of the week - Friday
- Lots of great work/learning demonstrated today - Keep it up!!

Image result for quality of life

- I have added the questions for 7.2 on google classroom - if you have not completed #1-4
- We will take up the questions most likely Monday -  We will also review the chapter next week. There is a good chance we have a quiz/test near the end of next week on 7.1 and 7.2

Tuesday 18 April 2017


- You should be finished/almost finished writing your song, and practicing/preparing to present on Friday  - VIVE LE QUEBEC!!!

Image result for sing auditions movie
Feel free to dance along while you sing or read!

- Quality of Life presentations start tomorrow - Wednesday - EVERYONE should be ready to present, you may use cue cards or read SOME of your information - please refer to the rubric provided

- We will be taking up the questions this week from 7.2

Thursday 13 April 2017


Image result for long weekend quotes

- Continue writing/retelling of your experience in Quebec in the form of song
- Due Friday april 21st - be prepared to share with the class, either by recording, singing, reading or even having someone else read/sing it.

- Continue working on Quality of life project - Everyone should be ready to present next Wednesday April 19th
- Things to consider: Comment est-ce qu'on pourrait aider ses gens dans votre pays?
- Inferer comment la qualite de vie EST vraiment dans votre pays

Image result for quality of life

- Try to complete questions 5-7 from 7.1 les fluides (if not don't worry we will complete next week
- You will be working on 7.2 on Tuesday in class.

Wednesday 12 April 2017


- Continue working on your song retelling if your time in Quebec (or home)

Image result for cartoon singingImage result for cartoon singing

- Continue working on quality of life project - Don't forget to compare several of your findings with the data of Canada
- Geography presentations will begin next WEDNESDAY APRIL 19th

- Today we started our new unit on Fluids - You will find the questions to 7.1 Les nombreuses utilisations des fluides on google classroom - we will take up the questions in class tomorrow (#1-4)

Image result for fluid examples