Wednesday 31 May 2017


- We completed most of our events for T&F WOOHOO!!
- We have a few loose ends to tie up tomorrow
- School BBQ Thursday June 1st
- Friday June 2nd is a PA DAY
- Graduation payment is now on school cash online

We are planning on going to Langstaff S.S. on Tuesday, June 6th, 2017 from 9:00 am - 11:45 am to watch their spring play.  We will require parent volunteers in order to make this trip happen. Please email paul.punnoose@yrdsb.ca , if you are available to help chaperone. 

- We completed the chapter 9 test today 
- Tomorrow we will be creating our bottle rockets - using hydraulic and pneumatic systems
- Next week we will begin our last unit on Les Hydrographiques

- NAFTA assignment due tomorrow

- US vs North  Korea questions due tomorrow

Tuesday 30 May 2017


- We were lucky to get in a few events from our TRACK AND FIELD Meet this afternoon once again - However we will still need more time to complete the event - either tomorrow or Thursday
- The rest will take place pending the weather and rain - BE PREPARED EACH DAY
- School BBQ Thursday June 1st
- Friday June 2nd is a PA DAY

Image result for playing in the rain meme

We are planning on going to Langstaff S.S. on Tuesday, June 6th, 2017 from 9:00 am - 11:45 am to watch their spring play.  We will require parent volunteers in order to make this trip happen. Please email paul.punnoose@yrdsb.ca , if you are available to help chaperone. 

- TEST - TOMORROW - Chapter 9  Terms to know:
- systeme hydraulique                                      - dĂ©versement accidentel
- systeme pneumatique                                     - barriere de pollution
- valve                                                               - combustion
- pompe                                                             - agent dispersant
- loi de Pascal                                                    - ecremeur
- etoile de mer                                                   - recuperateur olĂ©ophile
                                                                          - biorestauration

ALSO - You need to talk about a real life oil spill - include the DATE, LOCATION, HOW IT HAPPENED AND HOW IT WAS CLEANED  UP


GUSH Water Workshop reflection
NAFTA Comparison - 
US vs North Korea Questions

Monday 29 May 2017


- We were lucky to get in a few events from our TRACK AND FIELD Meet this afternoon
- The rest will take place pending the weather and rain - BE PREPARED EACH DAY
- School BBQ Thursday June 1st
- Friday June 2nd is a PA DAY

- TEST - Wednesday - Chapter 9  Terms to know:
- systeme hydraulique                                      - deversement accidentel
- systeme pneumatique                                     - barriere de pollution
- valve                                                               - combustion
- pompe                                                             - agent dispersant
- loi de Pascal                                                    - ecremeur
- etoile de mer                                                   - recuperateur oleophile
                                                                          - biorestauration

Image result for pascal law

- GUSH water workshop Reflection is now OVERDUE

- NAFTA assignment due by Thursday June 1st
Image result for nafta renegotiation

- Questions from North Korea article due by the the end of this week - Thursday June 1st

Friday 26 May 2017


- Be prepared to have track and field broken up over the course of the week (Friday is a PA DAY)
- Keep in mind, if you have not been participating in the few practices we have had or the track meet day, it will have an impact on your Phys Ed grade for term 2
- School BBQ Thursday June 1st at 5pm

- Complete GUSH water workshop reflection sheet on google classroom
- Review sciences notes chapter 9 (9.1 and 9.2)
- Chapter 9 TEST - Wednesday May 31st
- How can I be more conscious about my own personal water usage?

Image result for water conservation

- NAFTA assignment due by Thursday June 1st

Thursday 25 May 2017


- GUSH water workshop tomorrow for all grade 8's
- Track and Field was cancelled today - There's a chance we do the event tomorrow - or some events - - However it's not likely as it may rain again or be too wet

- Review lessons 9.1 and 9.2
- Chapter 9 TEST Next WEDNESDAY May 31st
- Please bring in cork and/or 2L bottles for next week - we will make rockets in groups of 3-4

Image result for oil spill

- Everyone should be well under way on their NAFTA assignment
- You must compare and contrast the pros and cons of the NAFT Agreement for Canada, USA, and Mexico - Afterwards, you must infer / come up with some suggestions to improve the agreement in order to avoid Donald Trump and the USA walking away from the agreement
- The assignment can be found on google classroom and is due - must be turned in by
Thursday June 1st

Image result for trump nafta cartoon

Wednesday 24 May 2017



- Track and Field - THURS MAY 25 
(rain day May 26 - rain day #2 MON-WED MAY29-31 afternoons)
- GUSH water workshop - MAY 26 - 8P 9:45 until lunch -  8M after lunch

Image result for RUNNING IN THE RAIN
Grade 8's - we are beginning to collect info and photos for a grad slide show
Please send the following information to the following email address by
WEDNESDAY MAY 24th to 073751737@gapps.yrdsb.ca

  • your name
  • a baby photo
  • favourite quote/saying (optional) 
  • any other school related photos - field trips, class activities, etc
You don't want to be the odd one out and have to explain to your parents why your photo 
was not included in the slide show - If you have an old baby photo you can either scan it 
or take a picture of it on a phone and upload it to google drive and send it to the email above

- Discuss with your parents some of the consequences of oil related spills and some ways to clean them up
- We will be collecting some 2L plastic bottles and cork (from wine bottle) in order to make rockets to test first hand how hydraulic and pneumatic systems work- Please bring them in ASAP if you have them

Image result for bottle rocket

- On google classroom you will find a NAFTA inquiry assignment due by next THURSDAY - JUNE 1st (Friday  June 2nd is a PA DAY)
- You will need to research the positive and negative effects of NAFTA on all 3 countries and come up with some possible suggestions for improvements - CLASS TIME WILL BE GIVEN TO WORK

Image result for nafta mem