Tuesday 20 June 2017


- Chapter 10 test has been changed to tomorrow

Image result for calottes polaires

- Oral presentation - recap experience/time at ACPS changed to Thursday

Monday 19 June 2017

- Try to arrive at the Richmond Hill Golf and Country club for 5:30 pm tonight - the ceremony will begin at 6:00pm
- Dinner reception will begin around 7:30pm tonight, at that point parents and guests will leave and return at 10:20pm to pick up your child **PLEASE ENSURE YOU COME INSIDE TO GET YOUR CHILD - NO STUDENT WILL BE RELEASED VIA TEXT MESSAGE -

(Science TEST tomorrow afternoon)

- Take a shower
- Dress your best
- Graduate
- Have fun

Image result for graduation

Saturday 17 June 2017


- There are still a few students that need to pay for the graduation dinner which can be found on your school cash online account.
- Graduation  will take place next Monday june 19th at 6pm at the Richmond Hill Country Club - please arrive around 5:30pm
- Please start cleaning out your locker of anything you no longer need at school
- Please make sure you return any library books you may still have in your possession

- Review chapter 10 notes (10.1-10.3)
- Chapter 10 TEST will now be on tuesday June 20th in the AFTERNOON

Image result for bassin versant

Terms to know for the TEST                - les zones humides
- un marais                                            - l'eau douce et salee
- un glacier                                           - la capacite thermique
- une nappe phreatique                         - influence des grand etuendues d'eau sur le climat
- les grands lacs (nomme les 5)            - un bassin versant
- l'ocean arctique                                  - l'eau atmospherique
- une callote polaire                              - microclimat

(try not to go to bed too late on Monday June 19th
- You must be picked up at Grad by 10:20pm!!!

Thursday 15 June 2017


- There are still a few students that need to pay for the graduation dinner which can be found on your school cash online account.
- Graduation  will take place next Monday june 19th at 6pm at the Richmond Hill Country Club - please arrive around 5:30pm
- We will be having one final rehearsal Friday morning - please remember  your alphabetical order
- Please start cleaning out your locker of anything you no longer need at school
- Please make sure you return any library books you may still have in your possession

- Review chapter 10 notes (10.1-10.3)
- Chapter 10 TEST will now be on tuesday June 20th in the AFTERNOON

Terms to know for the TEST                - les zones humides
- un marais                                            - l'eau douce et salee
- un glacier                                           - la capacite thermique
- une nappe phreatique                         - influence des grand etuendues d'eau sur le climat
- les grands lacs (nomme les 5)            - un bassin versant
- l'ocean arctique                                  - l'eau atmospherique
- une callote polaire                              - microclimat

(try not to go to bed too late on Monday June 19th
- You must be picked up at Grad by 10:20pm!!!

Image result for climate effect on ice

- Oral Presentation - AU REVOIR - summary of your time at ACPS will also take place Tuesday and Thursday of next Week

Wednesday 14 June 2017


- There are still a few students that need to pay for the graduation dinner which can be found on your school cash online account.
- Graduation  will take place next Monday june 19th at 6pm at the Richmond Hill Country Club - please arrive around 5:30pm
- We will be having one final rehearsal Friday morning - please remember  your alphabetical order
- Please make sure you return any library books you may still have in your possession

- Mobility, migration and culture (group) presentations tomorrow
Image result for mobility within canada

- Review chapter 10 notes (10.1-10.3)
- Chapter 10 TEST will now be on tuesday June 20th

Terms to know for the TEST                - les zones humides
- un marais                                            - l'eau douce et salee
- un glacier                                           - la capacite thermique
- une nappe phreatique                         - influence des grand etuendues d'eau sur le climat
- les grands lacs (nomme les 5)            - un bassin versant
- l'ocean arctique                                  - l'eau atmospherique
- une callote polaire                              - microclimat

(try not to go to bed too late on Monday June 19th
- You must be picked up at Grad by 10:20pm!!!

Image result for climate effect on ice

- Oral Presentation - AU REVOIR - summary of your time at ACPS will also take place Tuesday and Thursday of next Week

Tuesday 13 June 2017


- Make sure you remember who is before your and after you in line for the grad procession
- We will have another practice on Friday
- Even though you will officially be elementary school graduates next Monday June 19th
school is not officially done for a few more weeks- nothing is set in stone, marks can still go up or down

- Oral presentation next Tuesday - Final goodbye - summary of your times at ACPS

- Group presentations module 3 - Thursday June 15th

- CHAPTER 10 TEST - Friday June 16th
Terms to know for the TEST                - les zones humides
- un marais                                            - l'eau douce et salee
- un glacier                                           - la capacite thermique
- une nappe phreatique                         - influence des grand etuendues d'eau sur le climat
- les grands lacs (nomme les 5)            - un bassin versant
- l'ocean arctique                                  - l'eau atmospherique
- une callote polaire                              - microclimat

Image result for glacier

Monday 12 June 2017


- Tomorrow morning (p1) and Friday morning we will be having a grad procession practice. You do not need to bring or wear anything special (GIRLS- if you wish to practice walking in your dress shoes on Friday morning you may do so) - We will need to get in order alphabetically from 1-72 - please try to remember who is in front and behind you
- Grad will take place Monday evening June 19th

Image result for grad procession

- Group assignment / Presentations - Thursday June 15th

We will be completing the questions from all 3 lessons and taking them up tomorrow - we will review for the next few days (time is running out
- Chapter 10 TEST - Friday June 16th

Image result for moderation in action

Tuesday 6 June 2017


- I will be away at Track and Field tomorrow
- Graduation Monday June 19th
- I hope  you enjoyed the play today - Perhaps opened your eyes to the dramatic arts- possibly getting involved in some sort of club in high school

- Review notes from 10.1
- There will be a worksheet and questions to go with the lesson in class tomorrow

Image result for l'eau souterraine

- Group project underway for module 3 - tentative due date Monday June 12th
- class time will be given each day this week

Monday 5 June 2017


- Field Trip to Langstaff SS tomorrow morning (to see a play)
- Track and Field meet is this Wednesday June 7th at Langstaff as well
- Graduation (June 19th) payment for ticket (for student ONLY) is on school cash online

- There are 4 weeks left of school - 4 is more than  0 so therefore you will need to be a little patient before getting into summer mode - try to finish off the school year on a positive note - there are still notes, tests and assignments going on this month!

- We will be starting lesson 10.1 tomorrow - Nos ressources en eau

Image result for water cycle

- Group assignment began today - you will have approximately one week to prepare your chapter to present to the class (Mobilite/migration/culture)
- your group must also prepare a summary hand  out in which they will be tested on!

Image result for migration
La migration des poissons d'or - C'est chouette!

Thursday 1 June 2017


- School BBQ today Woohoo!!!
- Graduation ticket is on school cash online
- Thankfully we were finally able to complete our school Track meet - Congratulations to all those  who qualified for their events - we will be having a ribbon ceremony on Monday
- Track and Field Meet at Langstaff - Wednesday June 7th
- Field trip to Langstaff is on Tuesday June 6th

Image result for long weekend Image result for school bbq meme

- we will be starting our new unit next week - Hydrographics (water)

- If you have not already submitted your NAFTA assignment it is due by the end of TODAY